Weekly Data Points, 33-2020

This edition arrives a little late, my apologies. And devoid of Inputs, too, as this week was mainly focused getting things rolling again after the holidays.

And wow, what a start it was: Two new products in need of a concept! So naturally you could find me much of the week hurdled over my iPad, scribbling away at ideas, writing down thoughts and observations, talking to stakeholders and collaborators. There are no specifics that I can share at this moment, though, as everything is – and will be for a while – under NDA.

The rest was – as is a 2020 tradition by now – spend dealing with the implications and ramifications of Covid-19 in some form or another: Day care started again, but without a proper hygiene plan or communication; family gatherings were proposed even though incidences throughout Germany are on the rise again; C. returned to school which seems not interested (or able) to plan or prepare for a much harder phase of the pandemic this fall (and believe me: It’s not only the fault of a single school – I always wonder what her bosses at the ministry do all day. Most issues are so systemic that it’s hard for a single actor to move the needle in a meaningful way).