
I have been sending Teenage Engineering’s new “TP–7 Field Recorder” to a bunch of people today. My friend Phil reminded me that I could blog about such products. My guess is that he was annoyed that I’m sending him unsolicited stuff like this ALL THE TIME. But still, what a great idea! I’m doing it right now!

To be honest I would absolutely love to own such a recorder. It’s absolutely beautiful. But I have a bit of a hard time to justify 1500 Euros for a purchase that I have very, very few use-cases for (I could start a podcast! I could use it pretentiously in user interviews! I could capture all my thoughts!). But at least I have some pretend use-cases! Since most of Teenage Engineering’s products are aimed at musicians I normally don’t even have a chance to pretend.

So yeah, let me dream a bit.